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Gents (11 and Over)
Choose this service if you are between the age 11-65 and looking for any haircut above a 0.5 grade
30 minutes - 45 minutes, £17.00
This is not available with the selected services
Full Scissor Cut
Choose this service if you either want to maintain some length to your hair or just prefer to have a scissor cut from the top through to the sides
45 minutes - 1 hour, £19.00
Choose this service for skin fades, taper fades and burst fades. Anything that takes the hair shorter than a 0.5 grade. For all ages
1 hour, £20.00
Beard Trim
Choose this service for a beard trim on its own, no haircut included. This can include taking the beard off or a simple shape up. For all ages
15 minutes, £8.00
One Grade All Over
Choose this service if you are looking for a quick and easy single length all over. This option can include grades ranging from 0 through to grade 8. For all ages
15 minutes, £11.00
Senior Citizens ( Over 65)
Choose this service if you are over the age of 65 and looking for any haircut
30 minutes, £14.00
Kids (10 and Under)
Choose this service if you are under the age of 11 and looking for any haircut above a 0.5 grade. This option can include scissor cuts on some occasions
Skin Fade
Fade & Pattern
Choose this service for skin fades, taper fades and burst fades. Anything that takes the hair shorter than a 0.5 grade. This option includes a pattern of your choice. For all ages
1 hour 30 minutes, £25.00
Hair Cut & Pattern
Choose this service for any haircut above a 0.5 grade. This option includes a pattern of your choice. For all ages
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